In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated May 07, 2021 No. 99-Z “On the protection of personal data”, confirming its familiarization with the Personal Data Processing Policy , which contains and explains:
- the name and location of the IT Evolution Limited Liability Company;
- the purposes of processing the personal data provided by me;
- a list of personal data for the processing of which I consent;
- the period for processing personal data for which I consent;
- a list of actions with personal data, to the commission of which I consent;
- a general description of the personal data processing methods used by IT Evolution Limited Liability Company;
- My rights and the mechanism for their implementation, as well as the consequences of giving and refusing to give consent to the processing of personal data;
- other information necessary to ensure transparency of the personal data processing process,
I express my free, unambiguous and informed consent to the processing of my personal data provided by IT Evolution Limited Liability Company, UNP 193416568, legal address: 220092 Minsk, st. Pritytsky, 29 office 517A in accordance with the Policy for the processing of personal data